
Category and tagging organization

Category and tagging organization
  1. What are tags and categories?
  2. Can tags and categories be the same?
  3. What is the purpose of tagging in a company?

What are tags and categories?

Tags and categories on posts are used to help readers locate information in different ways. Categories are like chapters of a book; they provide a general overview of the topics you blog about. Whereas tags are more like the index at the back of the book and explode the topic into a million bits.

Can tags and categories be the same?

The short answer is No. Categories and tags both have different purposes. You have to use categories, but you don't have to use tags if you don't want to. However, we recommend using both, appropriately, to help readers navigate your site.

What is the purpose of tagging in a company?

Tagging makes it simpler to track performance results in analytics. This intelligence enhancement of data can help with business and editorial decisions. This approach enhances the data, making it easier to understand what content is consumed and how it affects readership.

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