
How to Show Object Multiplicity

How to Show Object Multiplicity
  1. How do you represent multiplicity in UML?
  2. What is multiplicity in object model?
  3. How do you show multiplicity in Visio?

How do you represent multiplicity in UML?

In UML diagrams, you can set the multiplicity value on each end of an association between classifiers to show the number of objects that can participate in the relationship. You can also set the multiplicity of an attribute to specify the number of values that you can associate with that attribute.

What is multiplicity in object model?

The number of instances of a class that can be linked by a particular association to a single instance of the class at the other end of the association is known as the multiplicity of the association at the end.

How do you show multiplicity in Visio?

Right-click the Relationship shape, and click Show Multiplicity.

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